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Sacramento Regional Transit Rail Station,

21st Street and Broadway, Sacramento, California

Installed Summer 2002

Mural 80” x 192” Acrylic/epoxy on acrylic panel and

24- 48” x 48” digital reproduction of mural using ‘flip,’ technology.

Image changes colors as train goes by and is in “Melvision,” 3D.



Yolo County Social Services and Education Building, Woodland, California.

Installed 2001.

10- 40” x 40” acrylic/epoxy on canvas.

The images represent the following of a Sand hill Crane across the wetlands of Yolo County and are in Melvision 3D.

Yolo Co, centerCa


Iolanthe set backdrop

Installed 2004.

16’ x 20’ enamel on canvas.

Cast 5A

Endangered World: 

Biscayne National Park Installation

February 2010
